Nuclear material accounting
Convert the initial system data by importing the latest version of physical inventory listing (PIL).
Maintain record of nuclear material in all key measurement points, material balance areas and nuclear power plant in the whole.
Specify the location of every inventory item on all stages of its usage at the nuclear power plant.
Fast search for locations of inventory items.
Oversee technological parameters and characteristics of inventory items (enrichment, burnup, presence of defects).
Account all operations carried out with inventory item, which lead to inventory changes or represent special accounting procedures (regrouping of batches, discrepancies in the sender and recipient data, etc.).
Edit information about inventory items.
Enter data about nuclear material in accordance with active operations. The major operations include:
receipt of nuclear material from other organizations;
shipment nuclear material to other organizations;
transfer of nuclear material between balance areas and within one balance area;
correcting weight and type of nuclear material;
support for inventory and inspection procedures.
Data validation
Control the accuracy of operations with inventory items. Operations follow the specified rules, including:
a single inventory item cannot participate in several operations at once;
a single piece of equipment or a container cannot participate in several operations at once;
use context help and lists of predefined values to minimize errors on the operator side.
Communication means of the system enable the operator to monitor and control the data submitted to the database.
Preparation of reporting documents
Create working schedules of inventory items movement at the nuclear power plant.
Provide necessary information for inspection committees.
Notify the operator of the upcoming events.
Create notes of inventory items, controlled equipment, containers, and provide notifications.
Easy export of information about any inventory item at any point of time for further analysis by the nuclear power plant representatives.
System of attributes are implemented to correspond with the national legislation and the IAEA safeguards system.
Ability to create reports and records based on non-standard interactive queries from a set of parameters and in any combination.
Generate reports for current date and for any dates as identified by the operator.
Data communication with other IT systems of the nuclear facility.
List employees who have access to nuclear material account and control system.
Provide users with information about nuclear material and inventory items based on their requirements and level of access to inventory database.
Different user rights depending on the type of available information and functions.
Manual or automated diagnostics of the major system functions for regular (annual) inspections.