Atomic Keeper with the NM module for LOFs


The automated system for accounting and control of nuclear materials Atomic Keeper with the NM (nuclear materials) module is designed to automate procedures for accounting and control of nuclear materials in LOFs (location out of facility). LOF could have a dedicated material balance area (MBA), or be a part of the global country MBA. Рossible to use the system for accounting of small items at nuclear power plants.
The software is based on the Universal Accounting Platform and complies with IAEA recommendations on nuclear and radiation safety for non-nuclear countries.
The system is intended for organizations below:
  • medicine organizations using depleted uranium shielding;
  • research institutes and universities, working with nuclear materials;
  • nuclear power plants - for accounting of small items.

System functions

  1. Accounting for operations involving handling of nuclear materials:
    • Accounting for receiving and sending nuclear materials between organizations.
    • Accounting of nuclear material quantities in all MBAs and KMPs, in accordance with the Customer's requirements and IAEA recommendations.
    • Accounting of the movement of nuclear materials between MBAs/KMPs and within the same area.
    • Accounting of the location of each accounting unit.
  2. Generation of regulatory reporting documents:
    • Creation of reporting documents, certificates and reports based on the results of operations in the system.
    • Possibility to create reports for the current moment of time or for a specified period in the past.
  3. Support of inspection and inventory activities:
    • Differentiation of user rights by type of information provided and available functions.
    • Ability to administer and assign roles to users to access system functionality.


  • Administration subsystem: user management, assigning roles and access rights.
  • Subsystem of operations for handling of nuclear materials: accounting of all operations with small items.
  • Module of accounting documentation: creation and storage of accounting documents.
  • Reporting module: generation of reports.
  • Module of reference documentation: provision of necessary information from catalogs.
  • Notification module: sending notifications and alerts to users.


One of the key features of the system functionality is the configuration, which allows forming a hierarchical description of all required accounting units and their characteristics, as well as equipment necessary for complete accounting and control of nuclear materials in LOFs. The configuration can be customized in accordance with specific technological processes and customer requirements.
More information - System configuration



Certificate of conformity to requirements of technical regulation ТР 2013/027/BY

Сертификат соответствия

Зарегистрирован в реестре № BY/112 02.02. ТР027 036.01 00607

Дата регистрации 20 декабря 2022 г.

Заявитель: Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Прикладные системы», Республика Беларусь, инд.220055, г.Минск, ул.Каменногорская, 47, оф.83-26, регистрационный номер в ЕГР - 101243864.

Изготовитель: Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Прикладные системы», Республика Беларусь, инд.220055, г.Минск, ул.Каменногорская, 47, оф.83-26.

Продукция: Программное обеспечение «Автоматизированная система учета и контроля ядерных материалов «Atomic Keeper», версия 2.0, партия продукции 5 шт. (s/n: 1 - 5).


Код ТН ВЭД ЕАЭС 8523494500

соответствует требованиям ТР 2013/027/BY (СТБ 34.101.1-2014, СТБ 34.101.2-2014, СТБ 34.101.3-2014 (номенклатура контролируемых показателей определена в разделах 10.1 и 10.2 документа «Задание по безопасности. Программное обеспечение «Автоматизированная система учета и контроля ядерных материалов «Atomic Keeper» версия 2.x. 3B.AtomicKeeper-2022»)).

Сертификат соответствия выдан на основании протокола оценки от 31.10.2022 №22/030-12, протокола испытаний от 09.12.2022 № 22/033-12 испытательной лаборатории научно-производственного республиканского унитарного предприятия «Научно-исследовательский институт технической защиты информации», аттестат аккредитации BY/112 1.0386.

Дополнительная информация: Продукцию не допускается использовать в информационных системах класса 1 согласно СТБ 34.101.30-2017.


Applied Systems Ltd
User guide for the module on accounting for small quantities of the automated system for accounting and control of nuclear materials «Atomic Keeper»
Minsk, 2023

User's guide of the Atomic Keeper v.2.0

ООО «Прикладные системы»
Руководство пользователя автоматизированной системы учета и контроля ядерных материалов «Atomic Keeper» v.2.0
Минск, 2022

User's guide of the Atomic Keeper v.2.0 (Ru)

Applied Systems Ltd
Administrator's guide for the module on accounting for small quantities of the automated system for accounting and control of nuclear materials «Atomic Keeper»
Minsk, 2023

Administrator's guide of the Atomic Keeper v.2.0

ООО «Прикладные системы»
Руководство администратора автоматизированной системы учета и контроля ядерных материалов «Atomic Keeper» v.2.0
Минск, 2023

Administrator's guide of the Atomic Keeper v.2.0 (Ru)