Educational laboratory complex «Atomic Keeper Education»


The educational laboratory complex (ELS) “Atomic Keeper Education” is designed for training practical skills in accounting and control of nuclear materials (NM), ionizing radiation sources (IRS) and radioactive waste (RW), for studying necessary actions during physical inventory and inspections, as well as for studying requirements for maintaining necessary accounting and reporting documentation for the national regulator.
The complex includes several dozens of different laboratory works and provides the possibility to solve the following tasks:
  • study of regulatory requirements for maintaining documentation for accounting and control of NM, IRS and RW;
  • practicing skills to implement accounting and control procedures at the organizational level from the moment NM, IRS and RW are registered to the moment they are deleted from the register;
  • obtaining practical skills in preparation of reporting documentation on accounting of NM, IRS and RW for the national regulator and international organizations;
  • studying and practicing technological processes of handling NM, IRS and RW at nuclear facilities and locations out of facility;
  • study of necessary actions in organizing and taking of physical inventories of NM, IRS and RW, as well as in accompanying inspections;
  • familiarization with nuclear security and control measures for NM, IRS and RW;
  • generation of a full set of accounting and reporting documentation on NM, IRS and RW in accordance with the regulatory and legal framework of the Republic of Belarus;
  • generation of IAEA reports on nuclear materials in fixed, labelled, xml formats (IAEA Code 10).
The educational and laboratory complex «Atomic Keeper Education» enables to make the training process as close as possible to real working conditions, providing a high level of training for nuclear industry specialists.

Technical solution

The complex is based on a high-performance server with virtualization system, where Atomic Keeper with IRS and RW modules, Atomic Keeper with the NM module for NPP, Atomic Keeper with the NM module for LOFs accounting systems are deployed with configurations corresponding to the NPP technological process.
Each laboratory work corresponds to its own initial state of Atomic Keeper prepared in advance. The trainee has to perform the task and generate the package of documents required for the work. The correctness of the task is automatically checked by the system through comparing the generated documents with the reference documents. The latter are an integral part of the laboratory work and are supplied with it.
Access to virtual machines is provided from automated workstations, which either can be supplied together with the educational laboratory complex, or can belong to the Customer and will be connected to the Complex in the process of commissioning. It is also possible to perform educational tasks on personal laptops. Automated workplaces are completed with control, measuring and radiometric equipment necessary for completing educational tasks, which allows trainees not only to master the technological process, but also to «work with their hands». Specific nomenclature of equipment depends on the list of educational tasks and is agreed with the Customer.

Role model

The system contains the roles of Instructor and Student.
The Student performs tasks and prepares reports for automated or manual review. The Instructor assigns tasks to the Student, can (if desired) review reports, and grades the work.


The system supports work with groups of students, the concept of disciplines and courses is allocated, which allows to receive the general reporting on progress on the course
The educational laboratory complex provides automatic saving of the state of the performed task at the moment of its check and end of work. This allows the instructor to see not only the final report, but also the process of task completion.
The complex supports at least 20 simultaneous users, with at least 100 different tasks in progress. Students can pause one task to return to it later and switch to the next ones, if it is allowed by the Instructor. The retention period for completed tasks, obtained results, and user information is at least 5 years. The given values obviously depend on the server equipment used. The complex is designed so that the load can be distributed among several servers, which theoretically allows to remove performance limitations.
The reports verification function and the possibility of restarting the virtual machine allow to organize independent training for students on an individually assigned set of educational tasks. All their actions are recorded in audit logs and are available to the teacher. It is possible to create custom laboratory works both with and without virtual machines. The latter is especially needed to formalize existing training processes, which allows integrating any educational tasks into the «Atomic Keeper Education» environment.
All actions of the Teacher on management and control of tasks can be conveniently performed via a cell phone.



Свидетельство о добровольной регистрации и депонировании объекта авторского права № 1827-КП

Наименование (название) объекта авторского права: Программное обеспечение «Atomic Keeper Education»

Вид объекта авторского права: Компьютерная программа

Правообладатель: Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Прикладные системы»

Год создания и (или) обнародования объекта авторского права: 2024

Авторы: Дерябин Евгений Дмитриевич, Марковец Дмитрийи Васильевич, Саввин Андрей Анатольевич, Дрожжинов Андрей Сергеевич, Хаджинов Евгений Михайлович

Дата регистрации и депонирования: 23.12.2024

Дата внесения записи о регистрации и депонировании в Реестр: 26.12.2024

Certificate of voluntary registration and deposit of copyright object № 1827-КП

Name (title) of copyright object: Software “Atomic Keeper Education”

Type of copyright object: Computer program

Right holder: Applied Systems Ltd.

Year of creation and publication of copyright object: 2024

Authors: Deryiabin Yauhen, Markavets Dzmitry, Savin Andrei, Drazhzhynau Andrei, Khajynau Yauhen

Date of registration and deposit: 23.12.2024

Date of making the entry on registration and deposit in the Register: 26.12.2024

Educational laboratory complex «Atomic Keeper Education»

Technical specifications ТУ BY 101243864.003-2024

Expiration date: 20.09.2024 - 20.09.2029

State registration №072365 20.09.2024

Research and Production Republican Unitary Enterprise «Belarusian state institute for standardization and certification» (BelGISS)


ООО «Прикладные системы»
Руководство пользователя по работе с программным обеспечением учебно-лабораторного комплекса 'Atomic Keeper Education'
Минск, 2024

User's guide of the Atomic Keeper Education (Ru)